Saturday, February 15, 2020

Benefits of Assessment Centers for Organizations Research Paper

Benefits of Assessment Centers for Organizations - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that the commonest application of assessment is in measuring management employees’ performance, especially for interpersonal competencies. The assessment centers help determine the specific competencies in an individual employee through a series of techniques and methods that include both individual and group activities. The assessors determine an individual’s performance against other employees. Many analysts affirm that assessment centers are very effective in measurement interpersonal skills. An assessment center puts employees through work-like conditions involving individual and team activities and tests that offer the best simulation of real work situations for monitoring and measurement of key competencies. Assessment centers are critical in determining the competency of employees. Competency is a broad term referring to a set of skills, knowledge, individual behaviors and how they auger with the job specification of th e employee under consideration. The interplay of factors in every employee is critical for the overall success of the organization. In addition, assessment centers help organizations to determine the most important skillsets for the organization with regard to the management. For instance, an employee’s willingness to delegate, works in a team, take risks, and take personal initiative. Assessment centers are also great in selecting employees who can provide the best performance for particular jobs. The organization can therefore choose employees for jobs that are most fitting and improve the organizational performance. An assessment center also aids in developing and identifying fresh potential for the organization’s top supervisory jobs (Boehm, 1982), particularly in cases where other methods fail, given its superior ability to reveal an employee’s interpersonal skills. Finally, an assessment center helps identify competencies needing further development and co nsequently help in appraising of employees, which can help in career development. This report analyzes assessment center as an assessment tool and examines its implementation considerations for an organization. A description of the Assessment Center Approach A number of factors, which articulate its goal, underlie the assessment center approach to measuring organizational performance. For an organization to implement an effective assessment center, it needs to identify the competencies necessary for its future employees (Rupp & Reynolds, 2009). In addition, the management has to come up with means to determine the competencies that the current employees possess. Finally, one of the most vital phases in the overall design of the assessment center is the identification of competencies gap, and the eventual process of developing means of bridging this gap. By identifying gaps in an individual’s set of competencies, the organization can help nurture these skills in employees to i mprove their performance, for instance with regard to knowledge and skills. Implementing an Assessment Center for the Organization A number of factors come into play before an organization can effectively implement an assessment center. First, the organization has to find appropriate and experienced raters to conduct the assessment. According to Coffee (2005), in the industrial settings, 3 to 6 assessors assess 6 to 12 candidates over a period of 3 days. Secondly, the organization has to identify an all-encompassing set of assessment techniques, which ensure that the assessment goes on successfully and comprehensively covers all areas of relevance in the study. Normally, the assessment methods are either written or oral. The written exercises include in-basket

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Report on Religious Field Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Report on Religious Field - Research Paper Example This discussion is meant to investigate and discuss the misconceptions that people have about Buddhism religion. It will further, analyze the prior understanding about this religion, and if misconceptions about other people’s religion are common Buddhism exists in two different factions, Theravada, which is referred as school of elders and Mahayana. Theravada is found in Sri Lanka on the South-eastern side Asia and Mahayana is on the Eastern side of Asia. However, Buddhism is highly concentrated in Asia; it is scantly found in other parts of the world. The teachings of Buddhism differ in the kind on the course of freedom. The main teachings are on the dependent initiation and no self. The basis of this religion is the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. Association with any of those courses is an indication of being a Buddhist (Christopher, 2000). Misconceptions of Buddhism religion Buddhist is pagans Pagan is a term used to refer to people who do not ascribe to God commonly accepted by the Christian God. Buddhist on their part does not relate themselves to God or gods. Instead, Buddhist relates their faith to Dharma, which is not an idol. Buddhist concerns itself about the truth. Conversely, to other religion when an negative eventuality occur, Buddhist will not raise question as to such, this is because Buddhist do not belief in supreme being like the other religion that believe that there is a supernatural power that have control over everything. Buddhist concerns themselves with appreciation of happenings that take place in ones in life (Kuo, 2008). Idea of Reincarnation This misconception is appreciable. For instance, Tibetans Buddhists holds the belief of being born again and in different class of life higher than the one a person occupied before he died. There is a misconception, which might lure a person to believing Tibetan Buddhism symbolizes Buddhism in entirety. Shin Buddhist appreciate the belief of reincarnation in the same way as other people beli eve in their god but the difference is they do not give it much thought. The common ground of all Buddhist is concern about the truth, which exists in nature, and people ought to appreciate (Kuo, 2008). Kuo ( 2008) argues that Buddhist appreciate anguish, the argument behind this is the perception that Buddhist stands for the truth and honesty. Suffering is a common thing in nature, and the truth about this should not be dispelled in the minds of human beings. Lack of appreciation of this belief is seen by Buddhist as escapism. Buddhists do not appreciate suffering as an opportunity to learn through encounters. Further, to the Buddhist suffering is seen as a positive phenomenon that a person should experience in order to learn from it. Buddhist dressing in robes is another misconception. This is attributed to the time of the Hare Krishna a faction that was very evident. In the 70s and 80s when this faction used to be in many places that it was very simple to identify them in their r obes. Most of the American may have been lured into believing that the Faction of the Hare Krishna was Buddhists. While the Buddhists, Tibetan monks and the priests wear robes during religious ceremonies, the other followers of the religion wear normal clothes. Buddhist is a unique religion in that it encourages meditation. The forms of meditation one may involve in depend on